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Human 2 Human:

Career Guidance.

Liveable work. A good work-life balance. Less stress. In short: a nice job!

Don't we all want that? Of course! But in the meantime we still have a household, the bills have to be paid, we still want to exercise at least once a week, we have to take over the work of a colleague who is ill, etc.

What does that mean for you now? Due to the stress of your current job (and everything next to it) you have to watch out for a burnout or boreout. Perhaps you are a little bored at your current work for a while. Or have you ever dreamed of something you would really like to do, but you are afraid to change. The different options and choices can also mean that you have no idea at all about what you want and especially know what you don't want.

However you feel, we're here to turn the knob and let you take control. Together we will look for your interpretation of liveable work and for the balance that you feel comfortable with. By examining your energy guzzlers and energy givers, we can consciously start working with them.

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However you feel, we're here to turn the knob and let you take control. Together we will look for your interpretation of liveable work and for the balance that you feel comfortable with. By examining your energy guzzlers and energy givers, we can consciously start working with them.

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How do we work?

We strongly believe in the unique path that everyone takes during their career. That is why we consciously choose not to follow a preconceived procedure full of tests.

During a free introductory meeting, we will clearly identify your career questions, translate these questions into goals and discuss how career guidance or coaching can support you to achieve these goals.

Then we will broaden your insights in a very pragmatic way, so that it becomes clear to you which feasible steps you can take to move towards your goals. In order not to stop at words alone, we also monitor whether those steps are being taken. If this is not or only partially the case, we look at what the obstacles are and how we can overcome them.

Our coaching is often very challenging, sometimes a bit confrontational, but always with great respect for you as a person and with only one goal in mind. We want to help you take concrete steps towards your dreams and goals.

We would love to hear your story.  
Contact us for an appointment without obligation.

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Is career counseling for me?
Career guidance is available to everyone, regardless of profession or level of education. Employee or self-employed, young or old, part of a large or small company: we are there for everyone who wants to take his or her professional future into their own hands. So this is certainly not just for people who want to change jobs. 

Some classic themes are:

  • A better work-life balance

  • Getting more satisfaction and appreciation from work

  • Starting over after a burnout

  • More challenge in current job

  • Reorientation after bankruptcy

  • Threat from digitization

  • Work pressure too high

  • Too many changes

Do you recognize yourself in any of these topics? Then don't wait any longer to map out your future career yourself. You often spend more time at work than at home, so it is important that you feel good there and can develop yourself optimally.

Together we investigate the following issues.

  • What do I like to do?

  • What am I good at?

  • What gives me energy?

  • What drains my battery?

  • How can I improve myself in the things I have talent for and love to do?

  • How do I deal with changes at work?

What are career cheques?

Career cheques are an initiative of the Flemish Government. Thanks to career cheques, you only have to pay a small share of the career guidance yourself. The rest is paid by the government.

To be able to use career cheques, you must have at least seven years of work experience as an employee or self-employed person. In addition, you must also be at work at the moment. This can be full-time or part-time.

You can apply for two career cheques every six years. You can use the first career cheque to follow four hours of career guidance, the second career cheque entitles you to three hours of career guidance.

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